I am by no means an expert, however, I have a heart to share truth about missions and what that looks like. I want to encourage, teach, and be a trusted, reliable resource for briefing and debriefing when it comes to doing mission work. I have a heart for kids and would love the opportunity to discuss missions and worship with them. I am currently working to create a curriculum to fit my desire in this. I am also creating a curriculum tailored more towards young adults for worship and missions as well. My ultimate goal is to have a children’s program that I can present at churches for both missions and worship in a weekend VBS format. The goal is similar for adults; to invite those interested to a weekend retreat to dive in to the details of mission work and worship.
Although the curriculum and all the details are not ‘official,’ I would love to begin working and meeting with individuals, teams or groups who are interested in this resource. I also welcome questions regarding this vision. If you would like to meet, chat, or ask questions please click the link below.
Meet and discuss your heart for mission. What does it look like to you? What is your passion? What bothers you about the world, your community or even just your life? I want to listen and encourage you! Receive tips and steps to take to move forward in your goals. Make connections to people around you that have similar desires to build community.
Dive in to what it means to worship. This can be for any age group. Let’s learn about the heart of worship and missions.
Gather your mission trip team and let’s prepare your hearts for your journey. We can discuss your expectations and concerns. When you return, we meet again and discuss what expectations were met, exceeded, or failed. Let’s see where your heart is with missions upon returning.
Long Term follow up. After returning to “normal” life for a bit, let’s communicate how your trip has changed your outlook on your world, how you want it to impact your routine, and what your future mission mindset is.