Lots of tests and medication trials. The medication helped for a while then started doing more harm than good. I decided to get off the harsher medication and try other methods of coping with the diagnosis and symptoms. I “managed” the issues for a few years but it reached a point of hopelessness. I felt ashamed for missing work and family events because people would tell me it’s just a headache and I need to get over it and deal with it.. So, that’s what I attempted to do. I was even accused by an ER doctor of just wanting pain meds prescribed. I became basically lethargic. The migraines became so intense that they mimicked stroke symptoms. I couldn’t remember the simplest of tasks that I had to do EVERY DAY. It was like each day was a gamble on if I would remember everything I had to do at work, would I be in splitting pain, vomiting, dizzy, too weak to work? It would come on so suddenly with no relief. I was missing so much work and failing at so much with my work that my husband finally made me go back to my neurologist.
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