Becoming a Ruth while God prepares a Boaz
I would be lying if I said that I wasn't scared of being alone on this adventure God has called me to. I'd also be lying if I said I wasn't afraid of never getting married. Never finding that one true love. But in the midst of those very real fears, God has revealed some amazing things regarding this area of life. Rather than focusing on finding a way to fill this fear, He has shown me to focus on who I need to become. While focusing on who I need to become, I will also be pursuing Christ. That is where I will truly find who I am.
As I began this journey, He led me to the story of Ruth and Boaz. Now before you roll your eyes and think this is the typical Ruth and Boaz love story, hear me out. God showed me so much of who I need to become. I was encouraged to become a modern day Ruth by pursuing five main characteristics I found in this story.
1) Obedience -Ruth 1:16 "But Ruth replied, 'Don't ask me to leave you and turn back. Wherever you go, I will go; Wherever you live, I will live. Your people will be my people, and your God will be my God."'
This should be our mindset : obedience to God and the people He puts in our lives. Ruth had no duty or reason to stay with her mother in law yet she chose to stay obedient to her and to her God. I can't help but believe that God had made himself known to her prior to this that caused her to remain faithful. Ruth owed Naomi nothing, yet God put her in Ruth's life for a divine purpose, much like our friends and family, He uses our relationship for our good and His Kingdom. She owed God everything just like us. We didn't see what relationship she had with God prior to this commitment but, like I said before, I have to believe He had made Himself more than evident in her life.
2) Service -Ruth 2:2-3, 7 "One day Ruth the Moabite said to Naomi, 'Let me go out into the harvest fields to pick up the stalks of grain left behind by anyone who is kind enough to let me do it.' Naomi replied, 'All right, my daughter, go ahead.' So Ruth went out to gather grain behind the harvesters. And as it happened she found herself working in a field that belonged to Boaz, the relative of her father-in-law, Elimelech." Verse 7, "She asked this morning if she could gather grain behind the harvesters. She has been hard at work ever since, except for a few minutes rest in the shelter."
Prior to these verses, the story discussed how Naomi had deemed herself basically cursed by God and even changed her name because of it. Then here we have Ruth choosing to serve. This part of the story challenged me with which one am I when I face hardship. Do I wallow in the grief and condemn myself or do I choose to be a Ruth and pick up what I can, use my hands to serve where I can. Not asking for anything more than what God will bless me with. Who am I? Who are you? In the middle of her heartache she chose to look at the reality and move forward but she didn't disrespect her mother-in-law in the process. She waited for the blessing from her. When Ruth went out, she wasn't looking for the best field with the most grain. She was simply willing to go and pick up the leftovers. Another point in this is that she didn't do it with a faint heart. She worked hard. Hard enough to be noticed by the other workers. She did what she could with what the circumstance had left her with. By doing this, it allowed God to do what only He could do. As I am on my pursuit to being a modern day Ruth, I realized I have to take every opportunity to serve that God has placed before me. Even the small, tedious jobs. But not only do I need to do them, I need to work at them. Hard enough that people see I am working hard. Not for my sake but to bring Glory to God much as Ruth does as we see later in the story. We must do all we can. When we've done that, God will do what He can and it turns into something beautiful.
3) Favor -Ruth 1: 22 "So Naomi returned from Moab, accompanied by her daughter-in-law Ruth, the Moabite woman. They arrived in Bethlehem in late spring, at the beginning of the barley harvest."
Wow. I can't even begin to describe the level of favor shown on Ruth. Starting right here in these verses. Ruth's first act of obedience and service by choosing God, choosing her family, and choosing to stay faithful, resulted in such a wonderful display of God's favor. When they moved back to their homeland, it was the beginning of the harvest. When the stalks were fresh and there were plenty. I have to assume land owners were looking for more workers since it was the beginning of the harvest. What timing! All the events leading up to their move, played a part in the success of Ruth's obedience. The next major display of Favor is Ruth 2:3, 8-23. I will summarize this portion for you. Verse three says "as it happened..." Now I don't know about you but nothing orchestrated by God just 'happens.' I like to believe the writer was adding that as a bit of humor. So here we have Ruth, obedient, servant hearted, who 'happened' to move home at the beginning of the harvest, and she just 'happened' to find herself working on Boaz's field. Boaz was a relative of her father-in-law. This is crazy God orchestrated stuff not just happenstance!! The rest of the chapter goes on to say that Boaz shows Favor on her by allowing her to work in the women's field to be safe but even goes one step further to tell the men not to treat her tough. He invites her TO HIS TABLE. She is stranger. All she has done is exactly what God asks us to do. Obey my Word and Serve. When we do those things, Favor happens!
4) Humility -Ruth 3:5, 9 "I will do everything you say,' Ruth replied." Verse 9 "Who are you?' he asked. 'I am your servant, Ruth,' she replied. 'Spread the corner of your covering over me, for you are my family redeemer."
That first verse floored me. Ruth had just been told to pursue this guy she's been working for. To basically offer herself to him. No argument, no hesitation. She just said I'll do it. She was humbling herself before her mother-in-law and later before Boaz for her mother-in-law. I'm sure Naomi meant well but what Ruth was asked to do was not to benefit her. It would benefit her mother-in-law by them receiving their redeemer in this time of tragedy. Ruth knew her purpose was to restore things for Naomi, not any self motives. When we are obeying the Word and Serving, we need to reach that level of humility where when God says go or do, no matter what the outcome looks like for us, we must reply I will do everything you say. She put herself in the lowest position possible. At his feet. Identifying herself as his servant asking him to have her to redeem her family. What a beautiful picture of the gospel. We must humble ourselves to the feet of Jesus, commit to being his servant, and ask Him to COVER us with His blood and redeem us.
5) Modesty -Ruth 3:9-10 After Ruth presented herself in verse 9, Boaz responds in verse 10 with "The Lord bless you, my daughter!" Boaz exclaimed. 'You are showing even more family loyalty now than you did before, for you have not gone after a younger man, whether rich or poor.
Ruth just presented herself. All of her to him. Her purpose there was to get him to want her. Yet, in this moment, Boaz notices her loyalty. Because of this statement by Boaz I have to assume she was presenting herself modestly. Even in this moment where he had every right to take her basically as possession, God showed Himself through her modesty and loyalty. When it comes to me personally submitting to Christ, I can see Him looking down on me and wanting to bless me but I want to serve and obey and humble myself before Him in a way that He can say, you have been loyal to my family. The family of Christ. Boaz mentioned she didn't go after younger men, rich or poor. It's easy to choose more 'desirable' things than Christ but they won't actually grant your desires. Christ becomes your desire and gives you all the others too.
So now that we have established how we can use Ruth as an example to pursue Christ, these are the things God revealed that I can pray for my future husband based on the characteristics of Boaz.
1) Reflect God's Favor -Ruth 2:4-12 "While she was there, Boaz arrived from Bethlehem and greeted the harvesters. 'The Lord be with you!' he said. 'The Lord bless you!' the harvesters replied. Then Boaz asked his foreman, 'Who is that young woman over there? Who does she belong to?' And the foreman replied, 'She is the young woman from Moab who came back with Naomi. She asked me this morning if she could gather grain behind the harvesters. She has been hard at work ever since, except for a few minutes rest in the shelter. Boaz went over and said to Ruth, 'Listen, my daughter. Stay right here with us when you gather grain; don't go to any other fields. Stay right behind the young women working in my field. See which part of the field they are harvesting, and then follow them. I have warned the young men not to treat you roughly. And when you are thirsty, help yourself to the water they have drawn from the well.' Ruth fell at his feet and thanked him warmly. 'What have I done to deserve such kindness?' she asked. 'I am only a foreigner.' 'Yes, I know,' Boaz replied. 'But I also know about everything you have done for your mother-in-law since the death of your husband. I have heard how you left your father and mother and your own land to live here among complete strangers. May the Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge, reward you fully for what you have done."
The first thing we learn about Boaz is that he respects his workers and asks God to bless them. Then we learn that he is respected by how they reply with blessing for him. This shows favor. God loves us and in turn we can choose to love Him. He blesses us and we bless Him with praise and worship. God notices the little things we do in our obedience, service, humility, and modesty just like Boaz noticed it in Ruth. Boaz showed her Favor through Christ. Christ shows favor on us for those things.
2) Protect -Ruth 2:8, 13-22 These verses were previously mentioned but it discusses how Boaz extends a hand of protection on her. Giving her food and water. Allowing her to work with the women and even warning the men to treat her correctly. He even told his workers to drop some on purpose for her. Ruth didn't ask for any of it, he offered it. God is constantly working to protect us. Everything about creation, our bodies, His word, the people he places in our lives; it's all to protect us.
3) Honorable -Ruth 3:10-13 "The Lord bless you, my daughter!' Boaz exclaimed. ' You are showing even more family loyalty now than you did before, for you have not gone after a younger man, whether rich or poor. Now don't worry about a thing, my daughter. I will do what is necessary, for everyone in town knows you are a virtuous woman. But while it's true that I am one of your family redeemers, there is another man who is more closely related to you than I am. Stay her tonight, and in the morning I will talk to him. If he is willing to redeem you, very well. Let him marry you. But if she is not willing, then as surely as the Lord lives, I will redeem you myself! Now lie down here until morning."
She presented herself in a way that made Boaz entitled to her. When a tragedy such as Naomi's and Ruth's loss of their husbands/sons, it was the responsibility of their next of kin to redeem or take them as possession. They would take care of the land and family. Boaz did what was honorable and told her he wasn't the next of kin and needed to address it. He then gave his word that he would redeem them if their next of kin didn't. I have to believe that because of the honor and humility in this decision God blessed him by allowing the next of kin to refuse.
4) Giving -Ruth 3:15-18 "Then Boaz said to her, 'Bring your cloak and spread it out.' He measured six scoops of barley into the cloak and placed it on her back. Then he returned to the town. When Ruth went back to her mother-in-law, Naomi asked, 'What happened, my daughter?' Ruth told Naomi everything Boaz had done for her, and she added, 'He gave me these six scoops of barely and said, 'Don't go back to your mother-in-law empty-handed.' Then Naomi said to her, 'Just be patient, my daughter, until we hear what happens. The man won't rest until he has settled things today.'"
Boaz wasn't sure he could fulfil the request Ruth asked. But he still didn't leave her empty-handed. He GAVE her food to take home after GIVING her a place to stay. He had also previously GIVEN her a safe place to work, food, water, and shelter. He had a giving heart with her. Ruth was asked to be patient and let God work in the situation. Again Ruth did all she could do and God did the rest. This proves true with Boaz too, he gave what he could, made a promise and did what was right, God had to do the rest.
5) Trustworthy -Ruth 3:14&18 Verse 14 discussed how Ruth stayed at Boaz's feet through the night. He invited her to stay but he remained completely trustworthy and she laid at his feet. He also had her leave before anyone could recognize her. He was concerned for her standings in the town as a virtuous woman. Verse 18 said that he wouldn't rest until it was taken care of. He kept his word.
Boaz was respected by people but most would say that if one of the most honorable women presented herself to a man, the man would want people to know. But not someone who is trustworthy. Not only did he show commitment to her and his word, he showed commitment to God by not sinning in that moment.
**So... in this wonderful pursuit of falling in love make these 5 traits, 5 steps to take in personal growth and growth with Christ before adding in the guy. Be a modern day Ruth by praying to be obedient, praying for and taking opportunities to serve, ask God to humble you so you can express humility in all circumstances, and seek guidance for modesty; in your speak, dress, actions, everything!!! When you diligently seek these things, He places you where you need to be and will allow you to catch the attention of His Boaz for you by you pursuing Him. On your way to becoming a modern day Ruth, pray for your Boaz! Pray for God to be preparing you a guy that leads his friends and family in the Lords blessings, shows Favor, offers Protection, portrays Honor, and is Trustworthy. This is my challenge and goal.
*Boaz saw Christ in Ruth and was willing to risk his estate for a noble woman.* God sees our potential and gave His life for us, risking the chance we'd turn Him down. Loving Christ is the best practice for your future marriage.
One last thing, Ruth 2:10-12 Particularly verse 11 Ruth is asking Boaz why he is doing all of this and he responds with all the little things I bet she never thought twice about. The reason verse 11 stands out is because during my breakdown in the prayer room, God used this verse to show me what was worth it in me. I had been recently rejected because I was going to Haiti. That almost destroyed me. Then I read these words from Boaz and it was as if God was speaking them to me. He then reassured me, there are Boaz's who will see this also. I hope that encourages those of you reading as much as it encouraged me.