
It's an interesting feeling to fear making any decision at all. It's one thing to question your actions based on your values and beliefs especially regarding the Bible but it's another to question your actions based on other Christians and their perception of you.

I understand it is healthy to check and evaluate your life and practices as you grown in your faith. That's good. David reminds us of that in Psalms 26:2 Where it says, "Test me, Lord, and try me; examine my heart and mind." Then again in Psalms 139:23-24 "Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my concerns. See if there is any offensive way in me; lead me in the everlasting way." But, then where is boundary when it comes to making decisions and considering others values and perceptions?

A verse that stands out to me when I think of this or am struggling with that boundary is 1 Thessalonians 5:22. The KJV says it this way, "Abstain from all appearance of evil." Other versions don't specify the 'appearance' part. Just to stay away from all forms of evil. In Romans we are instructed to make decisions on actions based on love not on the actions itself. Saying that if another person considers something to be wrong, and you choose to do it anyway, you are not acting in love. So, when making decisions, I struggle with knowing what would be best. I don't want to NOT act in love and cause anyone to stumble. When it comes to making a decision, it seems like any decision made, even with a pure heart, no immorality involved, still makes someone think less of you.

But, this is where I finally understood... that verse says to refrain the appearance of evil and to NOT act on something that would cause someone to stumble... NOT to refrain from it if it causes someone to doubt your faith. If the decision I am making is not contradicting God's Word and it is not causing someone to stumble in thier faith, then my decision is of no concern to anyone else. I believe this verse is very misused and I am guilty of misusing it.

Although I still sometimes struggle with making decisions because I want to act in love, realizing the truth of the scripture and applying that truth, decisions become so much easier. I used to fear making decisions. I was afraid of hurting someone, making someone doubt my love for Christ, or fear that I was being selfish. But, by God's amazing love and grace, I learned that sometimes my decisions will hurt people. Sometimes it is truly unintentional and other times, you know it will bring hurt but your motive is not to hurt them, your motive is to make the right decsion. I don't believe this is my fault or the fault of anyone else involved. The next thing I learned is that there will always be someone who finds something I've said or done to attack and have reason to think less of me. The path I have chosen and that God has given me, causes me to be under the microscope so to say. I know that many Christians believe that way. I used to believe that non-believers were the ones examining each move. But, unfortunately, most of this criticism comes from other believers. I learned that it is not selfish to make the right decision even if it hurts or offends someone. It is actually more selfish, in my opinion, to worry more about what people will think of you rather than making the decision itself.

Decisions will never be easy, but some are simple. I understand that there is still a fine line to consider when making decisions but I know now that at least for me, the intention and motive of the decision is what is important. Many times though, people won't see the intentions or motives causing people to make assumptions that are most likely to be negative. Good thing is, God knows. Jesus even said in Luke 8:17 "For all that is secret will eventually be brought into the open, and everything that is concealed will be brought to light and made known to all." Another version reads like this, "For nothing is concealed that won't be revealed, and nothing hidden that won't be made known and brought to light." This is a verse to take to heart. This means the good and the bad. So, if our intentions were true, that will be revealed. I don't know how or when or if I will even ever see it brought out, but I know that my intentions and heart will be exposed.

Anytime that I am really battling these thoughts, I remeber, that even when Christ was healing people. HEALING. He was criticized and people were offended. Yet He continued to do so. The Bible is full of stories of people who made a decision that they knew would hurt others or themselves simply because they knew it was the right choice. Others in the Bible made decisions they knew were right and it unintentionally hurt many others. On the contrary to these stories, we also have stories of people who made the wrong decision out of fear. Made a decision based on the opinion of others rather than what they knew was right. Just open the Bible up to a familiar story, or perhaps your favorite. You'll see this concept played out one way or the other.

What decisions are you holding back on making because you are afraid of the outcome? Are your fears that of integrity? That it will go against God's Word or are your fears out of doubt and concern of others beliefs? Whether the decision be something small like your plans for the next couple weeks or something big like a job change or major purchase, let God examine your motives, put aside fear, choose confidently. Even if the choice turns out bad, your obedience will be blessed.

Brittany Tucker