Dear Valentine
Dear Valentine,
I understand the idea of being second with Christ first but Christ isn't first, He is. Rather than putting Him on the "scale" with other loves, I've chosen to make Him the love that sets the scale.
Dear Valentine, even after Christ I can't put you first. His Will, His Calling, and His Vision for my life comes first. I'm sure many put those in the same category as Christ but those are very different loves. I believe many people truly love Christ but are still living only a good life rather than a God life.
Dear Valentine, I don't know when, where, or if I'll ever meet you but I know that I'm loving you and praying for you. Praying that you're living your dream. You're living the GOD life He has planned for you.
Dear Valentine, I can't say that I'm going to express my love to you more on this day than any other day. The truth is, I will love you more today than I did yesterday but I will love you even more tomorrow.
Dear Valentine, this day that many hold close to their hearts based on feelings, is just another day I get to love you. Another day in this crazy, beautiful, broken, temporary life I get to share with you, serving a Great God.
Dear Valentine, although I don't know you, or don't know that it is you, I support you. Go! Do! Don't look back! For I know that no matter how far you go, how much you do, if you are my Valentine, I will be there too.
Dear Valentine, no love can compare to our Father's love for me. And no love can compare to my father's love for me. My heavenly father and my earthly father will always have the greatest love of any man. Please don't think I am doubting your love, I am only stating that the loves are different.
Dear Valentine, I know I'm probably not your first love but I am hoping to be your last. The only exception being our children. I have loved and been loved dearly. I hope the same for you. I hope this so that when God crosses our paths, we'll feel something slightly familiar. Something exciting. Something that sparks our past joys, hurts, and healings.
Dear Valentine, I pray that you seek God's guidance daily. That each day you commit time to read, study, and pray. I pray that these areas are established in who you are as I pray to strengthen these areas myself. So that when we meet, if we meet, we'll have biblical truths and questions to share with each other. We'll pray together. We'll make it a relationship practice not just a personal one.
Dear Valentine, I used to think I needed to make myself available for opportunities in finding you, now, I realize, I need to make myself available to Christ. Get lost in Him. I hope the same for you. This way we can both be so devoted to God that when God chooses to bring us together, we'll go to Him for guidance and confirmation. Not jump in with feelings.
Dear Valentine, for many years this day made me want a fantasy love. Sweep me off my feet. Butterflies with a single look. Although I believe these are attainable in a God love, I want a real love. A love that didn't come easy. I want a love that causes me to seek Christ even more. Searching for His confirmation. Making sure you aren't a distraction. Making sure I'm not a distraction.
Dear Valentine, I'm working every day to avoid being a distraction, but instead, being a servant and obedient laborer of the Word.
Dear Valentine, I used to see this day as a way to celebrate having someone or critique myself due to not having anyone. I realize now, this day we've misused, is a day I can choose to commit to Christ, the eternal Valentine. I can choose to devote myself in prayer for you while asking God to continue preparing us for each other.
Dear Valentine, I hope you understand when I say, I can't keep looking for you. I have to look for ways to grow. Ways to serve. Opportunities. Please don't think I've given up on finding you, I just need to stop looking. God will reveal you to me when we are ready. He's not hiding you giving me something to find, He's guiding you giving me something to experience.
Dear Valentine, I am anxiously waiting for you. But I'm obediently waiting for you. While God leads us in our separate lives right now, I'm living, serving, and being for Him. Knowing that each trial, each victory, each tear, and each laugh is preparing me to be the wife, friend, support, encouragement, and Valentine that He knows you need.
Dear Valentine, until we meet, I love you. Keep seeking Christ.
Happy Valentine's Day
From, Your Valentine